Tuesday, March 27, 2018

New Google Releases Make Collaboration Easier

Google has two updates that are being rolled out this month to help improve collaboration. First, the "Shared with Me" tab in Google Drive is becoming more predictive and will feature documents shared by your most frequent collaborators. Learn more about this feature from Google.

Second, Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides will now feature an activity dashboard for more transparency into who has viewed files and when. This will help editors know when to alert collaborators when changes have been made. To learn more about this feature check out Google's post.

Both of these features will become available in the coming weeks.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Voice Comments in Google Drive

Kaizena is a Google Docs add-on that allows teachers to create text comments, voice comments, link to resources and lessons, and provide rubric style feedback on skills. Simply highlight a portion of the document and select how you'd like to give feedback.

Here is a video that outlines everything you need to know to get started including how teachers and students enable the add-on in Google Docs.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Introduction to Team Drive

Team Drives are shared folders where team members can store their files and guarantee that every member has the most up-to-date information, no matter the time or place. Team members may be added individually or by district Google Groups. 

 What's the difference between a standard shared folder and a team drive?
Team Drives retain all files added to the collection even if members leave the team or organization. 

To get started with Team Drives:
  1. Go to drive.google.com.
  2. On the left, click Team Drives.
  3. At the top left, click New.
  4. Enter a name for the Team Drive.
  5. Click Create.
  6. At the top, click Add members Group contacts.
  7. Add names, email addresses, or a Google Group.
  8. Click Send.
A few notes about adding members:

  1. By default, members can upload, edit, and delete files, and invite other members.
  2. It is recommended that one member retain full rights and other members are given Edit Access to avoid any accidental deletion of files.
  3. If the team member with Full Access leaves the team or organization the technology department can assign Full Access rights to a new team member.

There are 4 tiers of access for members:
Full Access – upload/delete/edit files
Edit Access - edit/upload files
Comment Access - view/comment on files
View Access - View files