Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Brightbytes Data Insights: 21st Century Teachers and Students

Thank you all for taking the time to participate in the Brightbytes Technology and Learning survey. Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing data points from our collection, as well as, supporting research and resources, related district plans, and more.

First, I'd like to highlight 21st century teacher and student data points. It's great to see that teachers' foundational and online skills are strong. Notice that students do not feel as confident in some of these skills. While kids spend a lot of time interacting with technology, it is often focused on social media and multimedia. We need to help them learn the productivity tools (Docs, Sheets, Slides, email, etc). On the flip side, our students can definitely support our growth in multimedia skills including photo, video, and sound editing. Professional development for Multimedia Skills was the highest ranked need by teachers and will be considered in planning session schedules next school year.

Our district technology committee has spent the past year researching digital citizenship resources and curriculum and is in the process of developing curriculum and professional development.  This ties into Classroom Management with Technology being identified as an area to provide additional professional development.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Spring 2018 Technology Data Collection

We are partnering with BrightBytes, an educational research organization, in order to learn more about your and your students’ technology access and use for learning.

We are reaching out to ask you to take part in our teacher and administrator questionnaire. Your participation is essential to help us form a more complete picture of technology use for learning in our students’ lives. Please know that all of your responses will remain anonymous to protect your privacy. Your answers will help our school choose the right technology for our classrooms and the right professional development for our staff. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

The last day to complete this questionnaire is Friday, April 20.

Check your email for the link to complete the survey.

For more information on our spring technology data collection, check out our slides.

Door prizes include screen cleaning kits, iPevo PageStays to hold books open, movie passes, and more.