Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Google Calendar & Sites Updates

Google Calendar Refresh:
Google has phased in a new version of calendar over the last few months. The classic view will be fully phased out this week and any one who has delayed switching will automatically be transitioned to the new version. The updated calendar is bolder, crisper, and streamlines tasks like browsing for calendars, reserving rooms and resources, and viewing multiple calendars side by side. See Google's Updates blog for a full list of updates included in this refresh and check out the video from Richard Byrne below for a quick comparison of the classic view and the new version.

Google Sites Update:
Google now allows users to publish sites to a specific audience in the new Google Sites. See the G Suite updates blog for more details.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

New Commenting Capabilities in Google Drive

Google is in the process of rolling out the option to comment on the preview page for Microsoft Office files, images, and PDFs. This allows collaboration through comments without having to convert all files to Google Documents. This functionality will be available to all users by the end of February. For more information, take a look at the G-Suite Updates blog post.

Photo from G-Suite Update Blog

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Search for Files in Google Drive

As much as I like to be organized, sometimes it's hard to keep up with separating my piles of digital documents. I also know that not everyone loves organizing with folders. Google Drive's search feature makes it easy find your files and folders any time.

By clicking the drop-down arrow in the Drive search box, you have access to advanced search features. Search by keywords, file types, date modified, owner, shared with, and/or file location.

With the ability to search for files so efficiently, it is not necessary to use folders to organize all your files.

About a month ago, Google also added the option to search within a folder. To access this feature, highlight the folder you want to search. Right click to see folder options and select "Search with [Folder Name]."

To read more about searching within a folder, check out the G-Suite Update blog post:  https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2018/01/search-within-folder-in-google-drive.html

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Customize Folders with Icons

Custom icons aren't just for show--they can help you quickly identify frequently accessed folders and applications. This customization is available across platforms though the process varies. Check out directions below.

Custom Google Drive Folder Icons
In addition to changing the color of your folders you are able to add an icon or emoji to the folder's title field.
  1. Open Google Drive and select the folder you would like to modify.
  2. Select the option to rename the folder.
  3. Copy a symbol or emoji from one of the sites listed below and paste into the text box with the folder's name.
Sites to find icons:

Custom Mac Icons
You can create a custom icon for any file or folder with pictures or icons.

  1. Copy the picture you want to use to the Clipboard. 
  2. Select the file or folder whose icon you want to replace, then choose File > Get Info.
  3. At the top of the Info window, click the picture of the icon, then choose Edit > Paste.
Apple Support Resource:

Custom Windows Icons
Windows offers an icon library for customization or you can select a photo of your own.

  1. Right-click the folder you want to customize and select "Properties."
  2. In the "Customize" tab, select either a folder picture or folder icon.
  3. Follow the prompts and select ok to save.